This year for spring break, we had a mash-up of fun and crazy activities. The week started with a fun visit from my sister's family, on their way to the beach. Then we had a couple days of park exploring, a day with our Bury besties, and then Kyle took a day off work, where we took the kids out to breakfast at our fave Reedville Cafe, followed by a tromp at Jackson Bottom Wetlands. I was a bit petrified of finding another darling den of snakes, however this time they were hiding from me (not like it really would have bothered me, because of course, I am the ice queen when it comes to snakes). That afternoon, Madeline the Brave decided to GET HER EARS PIERCED. Her friend across the street got hers pierced a few days before, so apparently it brought out her courage to see her go through with it. (My girl is always surprising me).
Then mid-week, the kids and I headed up north to visit my family on Camano Island. It unfortunately took us 8 hours to get what should take 5-6, but never fear, because the world has created TABLETS, and I employed the use of such tablets 100% of the drive. The miracle is that the battery lasted that long (thank you Jesus).
Once at Camano, we all relaxed and took a big sigh of relief as we entered into Paradise :) Really, the air is so fresh, the beauty in my eyeballs is always so REFRESHING. The first full day there, we got to visit my mom's friend who owns horses. She was happy to let us pet and feed her two little horses, and we all marveled at what a NATURAL Marin is with animals. It really makes me think she was born to live on a farm. I can't wait to see how her life will unfold in this area (at this moment, all we can contribute is chickens). We had a picnic lunch at our favorite park, and ended the day visitng the country store (baby chicks! brings back fun memories) and doing some beach combing.
Unfortunately, things took a twist that night, and Madeline came down with a horrible sickness. High fevers and blistering headaches. Looking back, I would have taken her to urgent care on the island. But I assumed it was some quick bug, like usual. Unfortunately it lasted 8 days, and we think in hindsight she probably had influenza (despite having the vaccine). Early detection could have eased her suffering, had we known. Bummer to be sick half of spring break, and missing the entire next week of school. Poor doll baby spent pretty much her ENTIRE time on the recliner. She wanted me at her side constantly, and who blames her!! This whole sad thing really did a number on our plans to visit the Mumleys in Bellingham, and that was a whole different fiasco leaving Marin in a pile of disappointed tears, and the rest of the kids just clinging to Mom. Good times! The day was redeemed by my awesome parents, who took Marin on a special day hike to boost her spirits. It really did lift her spirits, and she even said out loud "this is just what I needed to revive my soul". Such a nature girl :)
The next day was a planned Easter dinner with my sister's family coming down to the house, and we kept those plans in place. Thankfully nobody ended up catching Maddie's illness, despite all the exposure to many different people. The rest of the kids enjoyed a big easter egg hung (hundreds of eggs!), a delicious meal prepared by my mom, and an extra day of togetherness before we got in the car to head home on Easter Sunday.
We had planned to visit my Papa on the way home, and despite Madeline getting progressively worse on the car ride, we decided to do a quick stop to deliver some food to Papa and give him a quick hug. He was smiling from ear to ear as my healthy kids wrestled on his living room carpet.Such a sweet picture of the three kids and Papa.
I love my family! We take the good and the bad, and enjoy the memories we get to make together.
Line order: getting our games loaded for the car! |
Enjoying the park |
Marin and mini-Marin (aka Maya) |
Reedville cafe |
Jackson Bottom Wetlands |
We always run straight to the beach |
Breakfast at Nana's table |
She is trying to "shake hands" with Marin! |
Visiting the country store |
A nap with my little Love |
Grandpa helping the beachcombers |
Boot weather |
Nana reading stories |
Kissing horses |
In her element!! |
Like a little Grandpa Morry with the binocs :) |
He got stuck and was wailing like a Farcus.
Pictures first, rescue second :) |
I said "smile" and they hid their faces.
I said "frown" and they obeyed :)
I love my little punks! |
Sick girl was parked here all week! |
The hike that fixed everything |
A moment of rest in the midst of craziness |
Cute cousins |
Easter baskets in the chair :) |
Searching for eggs |
Papa met them at the door with ice cream! |
Oh the beauty |
All the cousins! |
Recovering at home |
Finally eating soup!! |