Everyone who talks to me on a regular basis knows about Marcus and all his "bestht friendsth" at all the stores I frequent. His very best friends are at Winco and Costco.
At Winco it is a hysterical and lovely woman named Olivear (I have come to realize everyone is best friends with Olivear, she is that kind of person who everyone will wait in her line even if it's 10x longer than the others). I always tell her my funny Marcus stories, and she always gives him a sticker for his forehead (and sometimes sneaks him a candy). He adores her and from Day 1 knew how to pronounce her unique name, promptly correcting me when I said it wrong to him. So that's our Winco friend...
Then we have Costco, where his bestie is a man named Bruce. For over a year, these two have yelled loud and boisterous greetings to each other from far across the store, and they run up to each other and "pound it" while everyone around them enjoys the show. I have had multiple conversations with other Costco employees who say things like "I've never seen Bruce like that! It's so fun to see him light up!" - Marcus wants to be Bruce when he grows up.
So... last week I was returning something, and Bruce was standing at the exit marking receipts (cue large greeting with a huge scene between him and Marcus). Somehow this turned into him inviting Marcus to do receipts with him, Marcus holds the highlighter and Bruce checks the baskets. Marcus is instructing all the customers, like he owns this entire place. Entire lines of people are laughing out loud at his antics. So then we finally say goodbye and grab our own cart to shop. We say "See you soon when we bring our own basket through!"- When we got back around and were checking out, Bruce presented Marcus with HIS OWN COSTCO BADGE. He must have printed it in the 30 minutes it took us to get back around. I DO NOT MAKE THIS STUFF UP. Marcus literally blushed and beamed, I have never seen him be so stunned and happy in my entire life.
Isn't this the best??? I do this blog so I can go back and show my kids these funny things later in our printed books. I love all the fun I have with the littlest kid with the biggest personality.
PS. Now a side note - before this badge thing happened, I was at Winco chatting with Olivear and she stops suddenly and say "OH MY GOSH I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!! In the last week alone, I have had three Costco workers come through my line and tell me about a little blonde boy who comes in their store and cracks everyone up. I didn't put two and two together until one of them said his name was Marcus. I stopped and yelled HEY I KNOW MARCUS! He is my buddy here at Winco!" - so now you see, we have come full circle where all his favorite people now know about each other and can share even more in his big, big world.
PPS. Then after Marcus got his Costco badge, he just had to back to Winco to show Olivear, and well she was not to be outdone. Here we have the hilarious picture of her LIFTING him up so he can scan his own groceries. It just goes on and on :)
PPPS. About a month AFTER, Olivear actually MADE A WINCO BADGE for him. We had missed her the last few times we were there, and when we finally saw her, she just about burst. "I've been storing this badge for Marcus in my apron for a MONTH! Where have you been Marcus? I miss you!" So now he has two awesome store badges, and I kid you not, I have had zero to do with all this going down. Other than my utter amusement and giggles at watching it unfold.
My life is awesome.
Lil Cutie |