It's been another amazing school year. So many highlights, so many teachable moments (sometimes those are disguised as challenges, did you know?), adventures, joys, excitements. Each year I love to reflect on what we experienced together, and pray about the year to come... The summer is such a good break to just get a reset, a break from the routine and blow some fresh summer sunshine into our souls!
Max finished his private school half-day kindergarten year, and wow was it special. This was a real answer to our prayers for him, the late bloomer :) Such a perfect environment (12 students) and an experienced teacher with a heart of gold. More than once, Max whispered sweet things about his teacher to me, and I always told her privately because, well, teachers need to know these things... She really modeled loving God, and encouraged the kids each day to grow academically, emotionally and spiritually. Mrs Shearier, you are gold to us! She felt like God's personal gift to our family, for Max.
Twin day |
Max & Mrs. Shearier |
Madeline also completed 2nd grade, in ANOTHER perfect example of how God knows what my child needs. He knew she needed a compassionate, gentle and sweet person as her teacher this year. Mrs. Osterhaus was literally exactly what this girl needed. I could not have predicted the emotional ups and downs that Madeline would experience in her personal development this year, but God knew. He knew she needed someone with a big heart, and a gentle touch. Again, I just feel so excited when I think about it, and want to remind these special teachers whenever I can that I pray for them regularly, and I look for evidence of how God is using them. They are such an important piece of the puzzle for each child's year of life.
Maddy & Mrs O |
Marin finished 3rd grade, and it was especially notable that it was her second year with the "A-team", Ms Angal and Mrs Anderson (job share)... I think I really love the looping thing, when you get an extra long season with an amazing teacher. I already bragged on the special "volunteer" canvas that Marin's class made me, but there were also just so many special memories in between - the raising of salmon, the Oregon Zoo project (video will be posted soon on that!), the garden club, native american culture, good lessons in friendship, high standards from two teachers who expect excellence (this first-born loves to be given a challenge), and best of all, growth. I feel like each year there is some area that we each need to grow in. When you are in the school environment, you just have SO many chances to grow! So many different people, perspectives, personalities... It's like a garden of opportunity to grow in compassion, strength, perseverance, character and bravery. I love school :)
Marin & Ms Angal |
Gift made for me by Marin's class (Kids cut out the hearts, Marin's hand in the center) My heart is bursting, I love it so much! |
End of the year celebration dinner, kids' choice: sushi place near our house - we walked there & played at a nearby park before gorging ourselves on delicious and beautiful sushi (really, Japanese culture is ALWAYS beautiful!)
Happy school year completion to my three big kids! Mom & Dad are so proud of you.