Friday, September 5, 2014

Back to School

Woo hoo!! School is in session, y'all.

  • Marin (3rd) has Ms Angal/Mrs Anderson - the "A team" again for a 3rd/4th split... 
  • Madeline (2nd) has Mrs Osterhaus
  • Max (Kinder) has Mrs. Shearier

We had a bit of a staggered start this year, as Max is in private school (which I discovered at the eleventh hour starts an entire WEEK before public schools)... So a bit of a scramble to be prepared a week earlier than expected, but BAM we did it and all my big kids are BACK TO SCHOOL! I love being a school mom - it is one of the major highlights of this season of my life. Volunteering & loving on kids. Best.

The pictures below include smiling, sideways backpack shot, the excited face, the learning face, the crazy face, the sisters-gotta-hug shot, the mom-is-so-excited-for-school pose, and various others. School is ON!!!

Last fishing days of summer

Kyle was able to squeeze in NOT ONE, but TWO fishing/camping trips with our two fish-lovers.

First was Max, and the two boys had a great overnight campout with lots of river stomping, fly fishing, sling shot-ing, fire roasting fun. The majority of the weekend involved being shirtless (oh, to be a man)...

Next up was a short day-trip with Marin, who despite going on multiple fun fishing trips this summer, had caught ZERO fish. As a fellow fish-lover, Kyle was feeling her pain and decided to take her fly-fishing at the same spot he discovered with Max. They caught lots of fish. DADDY FOR THE WIN!!!