Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Max Moments

Oh this boy. He is so affectionate, so cute, so cuddly, so so so... Makes my heart want to just burst! Don't worry, I know he will act naughty someday. But it's not today :)

Maddie Moments

The wild and wonderful days of a lively 3 year old blonde :)

Marin Moments

Some extra fun pics of Marin this summer...

August Birthdays

I'm digging having two birthdays in one month! Very fun to celebrate our August birthdays, Maddie turning 3 and Max turning 1. Both very special days for our precious loves. Continuing Kyle's family tradition, Maddie picked her favorite sugar cereal to share with her sibs on her big day... The choice: Trix... SUGAR RUSH! Not to mention the birthday cakes covered in Kit Kats and M&M's... Wowzas. Each birthday is an opportunity to celebrate the miracle of life, remember each birth story and just revel in the year God has given each person. Loved celebrating my two youngest baby-loves!

Fourth of July at Camano

Our annual trip to the Camano Island family cabin over the 4th of July was a huge success. Not the least of which was all five of us sharing one room, SUCCESSFULLY! Amazing... We just enjoy the time with the Newell side of our family so much. Such a special tradition!


Siblings are such a gift! Praying these three continue to love and take care of eachother as they grow.

Mother's Day 2010


Yes I am dedicating an entire post to my other favorite little boy, Silas. He and Maddie are the best of friends, they just enjoy each other SO MUCH! As their mommies, Sommer and I just can't get enough of them! Too much. Oh the hilarity these two come up with. I love how they compliment eachother's outfits, teach eachother wacky songs, and give the other an encouraging word when the time is right (example: you're a good boy Silas). Here are some pictures of the three stooges in action (Marin occasionally is allowed to enter into their little 3 year old world). Excuse the shirtless girls, I think they were jealous Silas got to run around with no shirt so they insisted on being just like him. Watch out world this little boy is going to break some hearts (hopefully no Corrigan hearts)!

Trains with Nana

Being four years old has brought lots of new and fun experiences into Marin's life. Both her Nana's treated her to special activities involving a train ride.

First Nana Susie took her on a train ride to Longview for the day, a tradition she has continued with all the grandchildren to celebrate turning 4. So special! Beaming smiles all around :)

Then Nana Pam & Grandpa Steve invited Marin for a special overnight stay at their house in Renton. We met them in Olympia for the hand-off, she stayed for three days and Nana brought her home on the train. We are lacking loads of pictures of these festivities because once again, there was boycotting of the camera. Oh well, what matters most was it was a very special time for her, on her first trip that far away from home without her family!

Bellingham Cousins

My one and only flesh & blood nephew, Owen just makes me happy. He is so adorable, full of life, expressive, interesting and passionate. It's like he's been soaking in the world from the moment he was born. I. LOVE. HIM.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha