It's official! I am being induced on Monday, so I thought I would do one last blogpost before all the baby pictures & frenzy of activity starts. My mom arrived in town Friday on the train, and my dad comes tomorrow. Hip hip hooray for reinforcements! I can't fully express how thankful Kyle are for all the help. It's amazing.
So a few pics from the last couple weeks... First, Madeline is turning into a CHARACTER! She is always making us laugh with her funny costumes she creates and "jokes" she tells. Classic youngest child entertaining us all :)

Marin completed her second round of swimming lessons last week. It's funny how that little piece of paper at the last class makes this girl grin from EAR TO EAR! Her little sis was quite the trooper for all those lessons, sitting contentedly in her stroller with her beloved bag of crackers. On the last day of class I took the girls to Baskin Robins to use our gift certificate we've been saving. Chocolate ice cream is MESSY. That's why I own stock in baby wipes. Love these girls!

Kyle smoked ribs in the backyard smoker. He made rib lollipos for us girls, and Marin thought that was about the best thing she had ever tasted.
One last picture of my two peas in a pod. Sitting in the buck in their buckets. Did you know it got up to 108 degrees in Portland? Happy suumer y'all! Baby pictures coming soon!