For the 4th of July, as is our tradition, we went up to the Newell family cabin on Camano Island to watch the spectacular fireworks and spend time with my family. This year was particularly special because we celebrated both of my parents 60th birthdays, and had our first family holiday with Jessica & Geoff's new baby Owen. He is a presh. He is perfect. I have never met a baby this perfect in my life. Unbelievable! So a wonderful trip, even despite the long car ride being hugely pregnant! We had good food, a boat trip, crab hunting on the beach, a special scrapbook time with my parents, and lots of cousin cuddling.

Some afternoon fun in the backyard :)

The girls and I got out of dodge for a 3 day weekend so Kyle could tackle painting all the white space in our house. We went to the Corrigan homestead in Vancouver for a fun weekend with Nana and the gang. We celebrated cousin Megan's 7th birthday AND Uncle Damon's big 4-0. Kyle & Poppy went gangbusters on our house. It's hard to see from the pictures, but it was a HUGE amount of painting, high ceilings and all. What can I say, my husband is amazing!! It looks WONDERFUL. I am so lucky to have such a dedicated, talented, patient and hard-working man who take such pride in our home.