Kyle took Marin on her first ever CAMPING TRIP, in a tent, cooking over a fire and IN THE RAIN nonetheless. The rain part was not planned, but since this trip had been coordinated with two other dads & their toddlers, they decided to go for it even when the forecast said "turn back! turn back!"
The result was a gloriously happy 3 year old girl, who slept good, ate good, caught some fish with a pole, caught some salamanders with her bare hands, and got muddy from head to toe. It wasn't that cold, so she was in heaven. She's been talking about it nonstop since they got back! I think the daddies were more frazzled with the weather than the kids were :) Standing water & downpours? No problem. My little girl is TOUGH! Wowie. I think it even surprised Kyle what she was made of :) Good memories, but not a lot of pictures. Gotta keep those toddlers from falling in the river, ya know?

And for Father's Day, we went to church and then Kyle decided he WANTED to cook all of us some delish crepes, even though it was his official day off! He does enjoy the cooking, but still we are one lucky bunch! Even though in these pics I look like one tired mama (maybe it's because Marin has been up 5 times a night ever since that awesome camping trip?), I am still putting these pictures up here because the meal was so fabulous. I am willing to sacrifice my pride to show you how wonderful my hubby is :)
Here's to a Happy Father's Day to all the daddies!