We are so excited to finally share that we are expecting baby #3 in our family! I am 12 weeks along, and expect our little one to arrive in August (sharing a birthday month with Maddie). I've been super sick, so it's been a rough couple of months. Here's to hoping the next several months are pregnant bliss! Ha! We are so thankful to God for this precious gift.
Here's a shot of me and my prego sister :) She's due 3 months before me!
My baby Marin turned 3 this month, and she is changing by leaps and bounds every week. Man, I can't believe I've been a mom for three whole years, that we've lived in Portland that long and been in our house that long. Time flies when you are living your dream :)
Kyle made her a "princess cake" by request, and she was fully spoiled by all the people who made her feel special on her big day/week.
And here's Marin using her new camera, to capture her arranging skills. This is what happens when two engineers breed children!!
We were snowed in for Christmas this year! What a treat, this meant lots more time together as a family. Marin and Maddie got some special gifts too, including a train set, red play kitchen and did I mention the snow?
Happy belated New Year to you all!
Man, after the holidays, I'm pooped!! I just crumpled in a lump right on the couch.