Sunday, September 22, 2024

Back to School 2024

What a year, what a year... Marin is off to college at OSU, Maddie is starting her senior year of high school, Max is starting high school, and Marcus is starting middle school. I say this a lot, but it feels like a big year. Maybe every year is big when you have lots of kids! There has been a lot of excitement (and lots of other feelings) about this big change, especially as we all adjust to Marin moving out. I still feel off balance in a way, but I'm also so happy for her to be on this new adventure. We had a nice dinner out to Bamboo Sushi, some family prayer time for her, and big push to move her to Corvallis. So proud of the place all the kids are this year. Go get 'em, kids!

Memories as I mend Marin's childhood pillow

Winnie Roundup

Happy 6th birthday to Winnie the Wonderdog! This year she even got a homemade dog birthday cake, made with love by Maddie and the kids she nannied for this summer. Her signature style is still the upside down dog, snoozing in her favorite bed, and rolling in the summer grass. Happy Birthday Winnie!

Summer Camping Dayz

It wouldn't be summer without some camping! We had another last minute change of plans to our annual Bury Corrigan trip due to high school soccer tryouts, so we had to forego Sunset Bay another year, but went to same great river spot from last year. Lots of fun fishing, floating, swimming, hiding in a tent from thunder and lightning (smart, right?!), a propane fire, epic game night, and limited but sweet bestie time. Life's seasons are very different from when we started camping with this crew, but I'm so thankful for the years of faithful friendship. Kyle and Marcus also were able to squeak a camping trip in at the end of sabbatical, to Fort Stevens! Fun times touring around on their bikes, exploring the beach, exploring the Fort, playing cards, and eating the BEST dinner every (reported by Marcus) of steak and potatoes over the fire. 


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Happy 17th birthday Madeline

Happy 17th birthday to my sweet Maddie. Celebrating a quiet day with her favorite people, Honey Comb birthday cereal, angel food cake for dessert! Big sis gave her an extra special delight by making and decorating her a separate cake! Marin leaves for college soon, and I know these girls will really, really, really miss each other. Sisters are the BEST. We love you Maddie!