Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Happy Easter (and the weeks after)

This Easter, we enjoyed church together, and had Nana and Poppy over for lunch. Kyle roasted a ham :) Somehow we got lots of pictures of this perfect ham, but none of our guests. Priorities! Geez! Anyway, a beautiful day together, and the start of a week of dog-sitting our cousin's doggie Harley. Seriously a highlight of my kids' entire lives. That dog was WIPED out after a week of daily walks, lots of playing and love. His family says he lost weight and slept for a week afterwards, so I guess it's good we plan to get a lab and not a bulldog? He is a sweetheart. Also allllll the pictures of the dog. Priorities :) Uncle Damon was so happy we took good care of his boy, he gave the kids a wad of cash as a thank-you. The girls decided use their portion to make their room a terrarium of succulents, so now their windowsill is loaded with garden life. We ended the week visiting cousins in Vancouver!

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